It has been over 25 years since we opened our first store. Since that day, Checkmate has provided many clients with the financial services they need with the highest level of integrity and confidentiality. Providing services that most traditional banks do not want to provide, Checkmate has excelled with the simple premise of meeting the needs of our customers in a fast and convenient method.
We know that things happen that you cannot plan for. That is why we are here; to provide you with the assistance you need to get to that next paycheck. With fees that many times will be less than the late fees you might pay, Checkmate is a quick and convenient solution to ensuring your good credit standing.
Checkmate is always looking for bright, honest, friendly people that want something more. By joining our team, you will join a talented group of individuals that bring a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure you have all the resources you need to be successful.
Checkmate offers great working conditions, competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and a 401K Plan. More importantly, it offers you a chance to be part of a team that is dedicated to the communities we serve.
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Since we opened our first store over 25 years ago, Checkmate has pledged to serve the communities in which we operate. Checkmate has proudly supported the following organizations.
US Marines Corps Scholarship Foundation
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to providing educational assistance to sons and daughters of active duty, retired and former Marines.
Women’s Resource Center
Women’s Resource Center is committed to serving the needs of individuals and families at risk or victims of domestic violence and sexual assault through counseling support services, housing, and education. 24 Hours Hotline: (760) 757-3500
Services for People with Disabilities
Disabled Services is a program of the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department and serves more than 50,000 participants each year. The Program objective is to provide recreational experiences throughout the year for individuals ages 3 – adult with a wide range of disabilities or health problems.
Checkmate proudly sponsors many other local organizations and will continue supporting the communities we serve in the future.
Most likely. Surveys show that while Americans do a pretty good job of managing household budgets, most of us need occasional help. An increasing number of consumers choose a cash loan to cover unexpected expenses, without incurring revolving debt. A cash loan is a short-term financial management tool that provides a sensible alternative to costly bounced checks or late payment charges.
State law regulates the maximum advance available to our customers. However, not all customers qualify for maximum amount. Sometimes we don’t loan as much as you’d like, but since Checkmate wants to be a part of your financial solution we’d be doing you a disservice by loaning more than you have the ability to repay.
The Agreement you read and sign prior to receiving your advance is a contract between you and Checkmate. This contract outlines the terms of the transaction and complies with all applicable state and federal disclosure requirements, including the fees expressed as both a dollar amount and as an annual percentage rate (APR). Checkmate wants you to have all the information available to make an educated financial decision.
Checkmate is committed to collecting past due accounts in a fair and professional manner. If you do not arrange a repayment schedule with our Credit Services Department, it may become necessary and appropriate to turn your account over to a Collection Agency.
We respect our customer’s right for privacy in managing personal financial matters and we treat your personal information accordingly.