Customer Testimonials

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Felipe A.


Checkmate Cash Loans on 19th Avenue and Northern is the better location for check cashing! Myleen is the best as she was very respectful and very reliable. I had trouble with Speedy Cash (another company) and was left feeling disrespected and in a bad mood. Myleen from Checkmate Cash Loans offered friendly service and showed

Marcus U.


Checkmate Cash Loans was professional and care about their customers. There’s no better place than here!

Lori M.

    Always friendly and so helpful. I’ve never had a bad experience here no matter who’s helping me. The manager is the best.

    Tina S.


    I absolutely love this place. The gentleman at Checkmate Cash Loans was always there for me and provided the advice I need. I recommend this place to anybody and I won’t go anywhere else for check cashing.

    C Baity


    Shawnte, the manager, was very professional which is a pet peeve for me. She made everything so easy by being very approachable, astute, and had in-depth product knowledge. Shawnte also provided excellent customer service every step of the way. My experience with Checkmate Cash Loans was wonderful thanks to Shawnte!

    Alex D.

      Melissa was so amazing at helping me get my Check Cashed. I had some issues, but she was so helpful in fixing my problems. Thanks for the donuts and water as well.

      Breana M.


      Love this place! The staff at Checkmate Cash Loans was very friendly and helpful. Quick and easy place for me to get a loan.

      Rudy B.


      Hi, I been a long-time customer with Checkmate Cash Loans and they have always treated me with respect. Lorance is always nice and friendly with all customers. I’m glad to be their customer.

      Renee L.


      Mindy at Checkmate Cash Loans is so nice and have so much patience with me. She is awesome, always in a good mood, and simply professional. Thank you, Mindy!